We’re not going away

Thank you to the thousands of Australians who wrote to their federal MPs as part of the Make it Australian campaign in the lead up to the federal election last Saturday.

With the election now over, there is much still at stake as we call on the re-elected Government to provide clear policy commitments to our sector.

As an industry, our priorities have not changed. We call on the Government to: 

  • evolve the rules for local content so that streaming services operating in Australia have ongoing requirements to invest and promote in original Australian content

  • maintain local content obligations for commercial free-to-air, securing children’s content for future generations;

  • ensure Australia has globally competitive offsets that grow our sector and help take Australian stories to the world; 

  • pledge better funding for our public broadcasters and screen agencies that play such an important role in bringing Australian stories to our screens.

Our campaign to Make It Australian is now more important than ever.

We thank you for your efforts, and will continue to take the fight to Canberra to ensure that Australian stories on our screens continue to be told by us, to us, about us.