Parliament passes Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No. 5) Bill 2021, which includes much-anticipated increase to the Producer Offset for television.
Representatives of screen producing organisations from around the world are standing together to ensure a sustainable future screen industry.
In the context of current negotiations between the Australian screen industry, streaming businesses, broadcasters and the Australian Government, representatives of unions, guilds and industry associations from across the Australian screen industry have met to discuss their response to the Australian Government’s Refined Regulatory Models for the regulation of streaming services.
Leaders of the Australian screen industry stood together at Parliament House, Canberra, as proud ambassadors of the Make It Australian campaign.
In the lead up to the 2022 election, Make it Australian wrote to the three main parties seeking their responses to specific questions about their support for the screen industry.
Today a delegation of Australian screen industry heavyweights arrived at Parliament House, Canberra, as proud campaign ambassadors of the Make It Australian campaign, where they, alongside a large number of screen industry leaders, converged to lobby politicians to support our industry’s future.